Garage Asbestos Surveys & Removal
If you have a shed or garage and are concerned that it could contain asbestos, read on. Asbestos history shows it was used in construction projects until as recently as 1999, which means it remains present in a huge number of buildings across the UK. However, asbestos is only ever likely to harm you or others around you if its fibres are disturbed. A garage asbestos survey can help you determine whether it’s present.
Identifying asbestos in garages
If you do suspect that asbestos is present in your garage, it’s always best to ask a professional to check so you can be certain. However, there are a few tell-tale signs that you can look out for that could indicate you do have a problem with asbestos. Your garage is extremely unlikely to contain asbestos if it was built after 1999. If your home was built before this date and you have corrugated cement roofing panels that are filled with lichen, there is a chance that asbestos could be present. A garage asbestos survey can help you get the certainty you need.

Many old garages are prone to contain asbestos
Why might asbestos be found in a garage roof?
Asbestos was one of the most commonly used materials to create garage roofs in the late 20th century. This was largely because of its strength and durability. However, it started to fall out of favour in the 1980s and 1990s once more was learned about its dangers before it was finally banned as a construction material. Three main types of asbestos were typically used to produce garage rooves in the past, and these were crocidolite, amosite, and chrysotile. Crocidolite was the most harmful of these. Although chrysolite was the least harmful and most commonly used, you could still come to harm if its fibres are disturbed. This is why it’s such a good idea to book a garage asbestos survey if you need one.
What should I do if I suspect I have asbestos in my garage?
If you do suspect that asbestos is present in your garage, the best thing to do is to book an asbestos survey service to be sure. If an asbestos survey for garages is carried out and asbestos is detected, your asbestos management company will provide you with a report and tell you what to do next. It is incredibly unwise to attempt to remove asbestos containing materials yourself as there is a big chance you could disturb the fibres. This job must be left to the professionals so you can avoid putting yourself and others at risk.
Who can remove asbestos from my garage?
Thankfully, help is available if you do suspect you have asbestos in your garage. At Safeline, we’ve been a leading player in the asbestos management and removal industry for many years. We work with a wide range of residential, commercial, and public sector companies, and you can expect to receive the greatest standard of customer service no matter how big or small your task is. We put our clients at the forefront of everything that we do and aim to keep stress to a minimum so you can get the outcome and peace of mind you require with a garage asbestos survey. Why not get a quote today?
We have a full 3-year asbestos removal license from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). This is the maximum licence period available to any company working in this field and is only handed to companies that consistently demonstrate their excellence in health and safety. We also have a hazardous waste carriers licence from the Environment Agency as well as our very own permitted hazardous waste transfer facility. Furthermore, we have £10 million of Employers' liability Insurance and £20 million of Public Liability Insurance. We are asbestos removal experts and provide an extremely professional asbestos removal service in garages. Each member of our team is fully trained. Our asbestos removal guide contains additional information you may find useful.
Contacting us with enquiries
Why wait any longer to get in touch if you are looking for a garage asbestos survey and removal service? You can reach us today by completing the form on our site or by giving us a call on 01299 251083. Alternatively, you can send an email to if you need help from an asbestos removal company.
Image Credits: Natasha